Read up on all of the latest BSV happenings!

Monthly Games Night in the Ratskeller
Upcoming Dates: Friday, February 3rd, Friday, March 3rd | 7PM

We will begin offering a game night in the Ratskeller on the first Friday of every month! Bring your favorite board game or come learn the traditional German card game of Skat. All are welcome and the Ratskeller will be open to both members and non-members.
The first games night in the Ratskeller will take place on Friday, February 3rd at 7pm.
Monthly Business Meeting
Monday, February 6th | 7:30PM

Attention BSV members: our monthly business meeting takes place on Monday, February 6th at 7:30pm. Two special elections will be held after the business of the regular monthly meeting concludes. All BSV members can view the agenda by logging into the Wild Apricot Membership Portal via the button below.
February Herrenabend (UPDATE: NOW SOLD OUT!)
Friday, February 10th | 7pm
Join us for Herrenabend (men's night) in the Ratskeller. The origins of Herrenabend date back more than 100 years at the BSV! One Friday night each month, the men of the BSV take over the club for drinks, dinner, and comradery.
On February 10th, our guest chefs Jens Albrecht and Rich Kitzmann will be preparing a special menu featuring Rouladen, Rotkraut, Bandnudeln, and a dessert.
All guests who will be dining are required to pre-purchase a meal ticket. This event is open to both members and non-members.
February Freundeskreis: “Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud”
Sunday, February 12th | 2-4PM
Join us on Sunday, February 12, from 2-4pm, for a presentation by Cecilia Craig from the Massachusetts Senior Medicare Patrol Program. Cecilia will present on how to “Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud.” She will discuss how to prevent, detect, and report health care errors, fraud, and abuse, the importance of protecting your Medicare number, and how to prevent becoming a victim of deceptive marketing and medical identity theft. Please bring a food item to share or make a $5 contribution.
Please sign up online for this event via the link below, but walk-ins are welcome as well. For questions, please contact Angelika Evans at or Dorothy Dean at
- Angelika Evans and Dorothy Dean
BSV Sängerchor Presents: Cabaret Concert!
Sunday, February 26th | 2pm
Join the BSV Sängerchor for an afternoon of fun and humorous German songs! Doors will open at 2pm and a cash bar will be available. A bottle of wine will also be included in each purchase of a table with 6 or more guests. A special dance performance by Daniel and Christine will take place after the concert.
Click the button below to learn more and register!
Volunteer Coordinator Wanted!

With over 650 members and growing activities we are looking to create a central position for all our volunteer searches.
We envision one point of contact that coordinates all other volunteer needs. This is successfully done at the Saturday school and by our current fest coordinator Amy Elizabeth. We would like to grow and build this out to a centralized volunteer database so we can tap into the expertise of our talented membership. This member needs to be able to use email, internet applications and some social media, and the ability to work independently. And it can be also be a group of people or a committee.
If you are interested please contact:
Ballroom Dancing Lessons at the BSV

Do you enjoy going to events that have dancing? Want to dance at the next event? Would you like to learn how to dance or improve your skills?
Over the years, members have asked me when I will offer lessons again, but I have not received enough commitments in the past to run classes.
I do enjoy ballroom dancing and like to help others to enjoy it too. I started 30 years ago in Germany with International style and transitioned into American style 25 years ago when I came to the USA. I have taught part time dancing for 20 years and have done many performances and even competed a few times.
I would offer dance lessons again but I would like to know who is interested and what the preferences are, including: time of year/season, day of week, time, group or private lessons, and what type of dance.
If interested, please contact Daniel Koch at: 508-283-0923 (leave a message or text) or at or
BSV Athletics Updates
The BSV Kickers Fußball (soccer) team will be resuming matches this spring beginning in April. More details to come on dates and registration process once field permits are finalized with the Town of Walpole.
The BSV Eishockey winter season is underway. The team is playing organized pick up matches at New England Sports Village in Attleboro every Tuesday evening at 9:30pm. Tuesday night games will continue through the end of March. Skaters interested in participating can contact Chris Aldrich at: